Skin Infections

What is a skin infection?

The skin is naturally made to protect our body from infections amidst its other functions. Thus, a lot of times, being the outer layer of the body, the skin comes into contact with a wide variety of germs that can cause skin infections. Skin infection is an abnormality of the skin that occurs as a result of attacks on the skin by organisms.

What are the causes of skin infection?

Skin infections are of different types and of different causes. Bacteria causes bacterial skin infections like cellulitis, staphylococcal, and impetigo. Shingles, warts and herpes simplex are viral skin infections caused by virus; scabies, head lice and body lice are caused by parasites; while athlete's foot, and feet infection are fungal infections. So, generally, the most common causes of skin infections are bacteria, virus, parasites, and fungi.

Symptoms of skin infection

Most of the symptoms of skin infections are physical like a patch of discolouration of the skin, the infected area of your skin becomes irritable, and inflamed. In some cases, there would be a formation of blisters filled with pus. There are other symptoms of skin infection that are peculiar to the type of skin infection in question. For instance, if you have staph (or any other skin infection caused by bacteria), the bacteria travels deep into your body. When this happens, you will likely develop high fever, muscle ache, nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, and rashes on your palms and toes.

Natural treatments for skin infections

Skin infections can be highly contagious. If it is not treated, it might move from one person to another, especially within close circles like in the family. There are some natural remedies to skin infections but before we go into that, it is important that you know that bacteria, parasites, virus, and fungi are found just about everywhere. Even when we are healthy, we still have a substantial dose of bacteria in us; the only thing is that some of them are good while some others are bad. When you are infected by a bad bacteria, abnormalities are developed, but the good bacteria are there to help us live a healthy life.
So, here are some ways you can cure skin infections without going to see the doctor.

- Probiotics: This works on the human body to increase the amount of good bacteria and greatly reduce the quantity of bad bacteria in the body. A good example of probiotic is yogurt. Two cups of it with live culture and the bad bacteria will be discharged naturally.

- Aloe vera: This is an excellent antibiotic and it naturally cause wounds to heal faster. Applying it directly on the infected area at least three times a day will do the job.

- Turmeric: This substance has high concentration of antibacterial, anti-oxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties. You can apply freshly grounded turmeric paste to the infected skin or make a drink with turmeric powder.

- Apple cider vinegar: it maintains the natural pH balance of the skin by reducing the activities of whatever might be the cause of the infection, it has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Apply it to the infected area three times a day and it will gradually heal.

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